Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Remove residual files

Delve into your device's  directories to create space
Before tackling cached files to gain more space, users Who are keen to really free up sorne storage and give their device a boost will Want to clean their device's directories. Depending on how new your device is, many core directories v,'ll be empty, but you may be surprised With how many residual files appear within. SD Maid remains the premier app for locating and removing these files from your directories.
1_Select your directories
Use SD Maid's search system to locate the directories you'd Iike to clear out. Some will be listed as empty, but are still worth clearing for residual files.

2_Confirm the clear out
A confirmation box will appear. Press the OK button to confirm. Depending on the files that will be removed, this process can take up to five minutes.

3_What's left?
It's also possible to manually delete residual files from within directories yourself. There isn't any harm in doing this, just in case any have been left behind.