Chrome's hidden settings make it easier mimic desktop browsing speeds
We love using Chrome, but it Can be a little sluggish at times and generally pales in comparison to the experience Of using the desktop version of the browser. A quick speed boost is essential but you dont need to look outside of the app for a fix. Instead, you're going to Want to find Chrome's range Of experimental features for your solution, but we do this With a small amount Of caution. These features are st Il in their developrnental phase and shouldn't be adjusted unless you truly know what you're doing. However, this clever fix is completely sate and will give Chrome more access to your device's memory Here's howto do it.
1_Access hidden settings
Open a new tab within the Chrome browser and type chrome://flags into the URL bar provided. After a few seconds, you should find that a page of experirnental leatures will be shown.
2_What to look for
The list of features is fairty exhaustive anc there's no easy way to find the setting we're afterScroll down the list provided Lintil you find the Default tile width and Detault tile height options.
3_After defautts
If this is your first time accessing this both options are listed With the Default setting enabled. We need to change this, so select the first Default tab to make a change.
4_Make the change
For newer devices, select 512 for both menus. This opens up a good portion of RAM for Chrome to use. For Older devices, or those With Less than 1 GB of RAM , select 256 option .
5_Did it work?
Hit the Relaunch button at the bottom of the experimental options menu to save and restart your edits. Load up some websites and you should see that browsing s s have improved.